Award-winning medication adherence system
Our patient-friendly solutions reduce missed doses, boost therapy retention, and accelerate drug commercialization while improving clinical trial compliance.
Because every dose – and every day – counts
Living with a serious disease can be overwhelming. Despite best efforts, patients struggle to take their medication as intended: doses get missed, refills get delayed, or treatment stops entirely.

Traditional approaches to helping patients start and stay on their medication don’t work because they add to the burden or act too late. Only Aidia makes establishing and maintaining new medication-taking behaviors effortless.
The in-home partner every medication should have
An elegantly simple and proven system designed to gently remind patients to take their medication and intervene when they don’t — early enough to make a difference.
Aidia Smart Cap
fits multiple Rx
bottle cap sizes
Our innovative device leverages and improves upon the Smart Bottle technology, while fitting over standard prescription bottle caps to ensure medication stability.
Real-time insights deliver real-time impact
Robust reporting tools provide actionable data and generate greater insights into patient behavior — enabling targeted intervention and timely support.
A decade of helping industry partners innovate
Aidia lifts patient retention by over 50% in the first year
Our programs routinely increase the number of prescriptions by 3x, within the first 12 months.
In addition to significantly improving onboarding and retention, Aidia has proven to improve patient compliance with their dosing schedule resulting in fewer medication gap days.
How does AIDIA work
Patient satisfaction scores consistently exceed 95%
Every day I am blessed to be here, so every day when I see that blue light on the bottle, it reminds me that I have something to live for.
I’m impressed and fortunate to have something like it. If I had to rely on my own memory… With the cancer, I can't screw this up, so I'm thankful for a bottle like this.
If I'm away from home, the text messages help me to remember to take the medication when I return home.
No setup. No patient app.
Always cellular connection.
Award winning for product design and patient impact
Medication non-adherence is the elephant in the room
Up to
cost to the US government*
* Cost in avoidable hospitalizations
unnecessary hospital admissions
12 mo
higher mortality rates
Let’s talk adherence solutions
More Than Medicine: Understanding the Impact of Nonadherence on Quality of Life
Why understanding patients is important to adherence
TED Talk
Healthier planet, healthier you. Join us in celebrating Earth Day 2024.